Fare thee well! and if for ever,
Still for ever, fare thee well.
~Lord Byron
This blog post has been a while in coming. No, I didn’t disappear off the face of the earth or rather Second Life, but life has been unkind the past year and my priorities have changed. And frankly, the draw to go into Second Life hasn’t been there with everything going on in 2009 and continuing now into this new year.
To my SL friends, I miss you and do think about you often, but even when I work up the desire to log into Second Life the performance issues I have had just make it an unpleasant experience so I haven’t been on other than for a few minutes at a time.
I don’t think this is going to change any time soon, so I guess I’m saying goodbye. Oh, the account will remain and I may try logging in every once in a while, maybe catch a Drama Libre every so often, go see what Crap’s done with his little corner of SL (I miss the tower), see if Stuart’s destroyed anything of interest and that sort of thing. Not gone forever, I suspect.
As for this blog, I think that this shall be the last post in it. I can’t say that anything of any worth was said in it, but I had fun doing it.
Keep in touch, I’m on the web as Sougent so I’m not hard to find.
My twitter is as always http://twitter.com/sougent
E-mail – sougent@gmail.com
I’ll leave you with the following blessing and my well wishes…
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.
-- Irish Blessing