When I first came into Second Life, I spent a lot of my time hanging around the Infohub at the Wengen Chalet. I met quite a few people there who I still call friends, two of those are Aza Zymurgy and Lacey Mertel.
I haven’t seen them in a while, though I occasionally see their names pop up.
Some time ago they teamed up to start a couple little shops called ChemGenosis and Shadow Things, which I’ve revisited recently and thought I’d share them.
I like the ambiance, a little surrealistically dark and creepy.
Aza has created some really creepy skins, I especially like the zombie skin. I actually won a costume contest with that one last Halloween. The scarecrow skin is also a good one.
Shadow Things has skins, shapes, eyes and such geared toward creating a “Broken Doll” look.
The ChemGenosis Gallery shows off representations of some of the real life and SL artwork that Aza and Lacey have done.
Even if you’re not interested in shopping, it’s worth the visit to see the setup they’ve done for the shops.
Click to Teleport ChemGenosis/Shadow Things